Find out whether you are someone who is likely to significantly benefit from coaching
This 10 question assessment based on psychological principles of being coachable, will let you know whether you are really “coachable”. This is not your usual generic coachability quiz. Instead it contains 10 questions that allow you to look deeper into your personality to find out how good a client will do in coaching.
Working with a professional coach requires a significant investment of time, energy, and effort. This assessment will help you to decide whether it is a good idea to invest all of that effort at this point in time. Take it yourself if you are thinking about working with a professional coach . This assessment is focused on the present and will give you an idea of your coachability right now.
Instructions: Please complete all items. Rate each item on a scale of 1-4. Please choose the one number that best represents your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Choose how true each statement is for you.
The Real Coachability Test